Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Brostoevski does the Fool.

"Every action is a preparation for another action."
- Livia Vanaver

Tuesdays are easily becoming my favorite day of the week.  Today only helps to solidify that fact.  Tuesday is generally a strictly physical day.  Gym in the morning; Stage Combat at 10:00a; Dance at 2:00p.  I sweat all day long.  Tuesday has become a day of physical cleansing; any flotsam that might be floating around the body is purged from the hold and the feeling is something spectacular.

We performed our first fight in class today.  Something definitely caught my attention today: even though every pair of people has the exact same list of moves to perform in the exact same order, the story of these scuffles is vastly different from group to group.  It goes to show you that it's the moments that happen in between major calamities are the ones can be really telling of who a person is, or what something is all about.

I shared this with Phillip earlier during the break.  It comes from John Carpenter's "They Live".  We were supposed to watch a fight scene from a film and report back on it.  I happen to be a firm believer that this is one of the most satisfying fights in all of cinema.  If you have six minutes and you haven't seen it before (or even if you haven't seen it recently) check it out.  It's staggeringly wondrous.

Dance is always a three-hour block of great release.  The quote at the top of the page is from Livia, our instructor, who is so full of life and compassion and excitement.  We cheer each other on in her class.  Here, you can truly also get a look into the minds and souls of the people you watch because it really is unadulterated liberation.  Kevin and I are seriously talking about taking up ballet because of it.  And it's something that I've never really actually considered... but back to the quote above, it's so applicable to everything in life.  I am here; I'm going there, but I can't go there until I'm done here; after I go there, I can continue on further.  You may be thinking to yourself, "Yeah, dude.  That's causality.  Your ex-sciencey ass should know about it."

But how often do we really stop to consider where we are?  Once... maybe eight times a day?  Truly stop to consider where you are right now.  Take it in.  Is it hot?  What's around you?  How did you get here to this computer screen?  How do you feel about it?  How do you feel?  Where are you going after this?  I know in my advancing years that I have come to take many of these things for granted, the moments that happen in between the major occurrences of the day, but Tuesdays are becoming a day where I can truly appreciate a good majority of these moments, even the frustrating ones... and especially the ones where Phillip and I grind the hell out of the gym.  It's Bro-bonding at it's finest.  Respect.

It may have occurred to you, if you've been keeping up to date on posts, that a recurring theme has been one of introspection and analysis of the self: specifically myself.  There has been several moments where I have questioned a lot of my choices in my inter-relationships with some of my new class-mates and whether or not they really get me and if it's worth keeping up some of the tom-foolery that I get up to.  It's an escutcheon for stress and a great way for me to deflect from frustration.  This I know, yet I realize here, now, that no matter if it's been "working" or not; no matter if there's been anyone that I may have turned off; no matter what has happened in these four (immensely long) short weeks, there is always something to improve.  Often times there are many things to improve, but every action is a preparation for another action.  All of what's happened prior to now does not matter.  Not in this moment, because I'm here... and I'm thrilled and contented... and I know where I'm going.

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month." 
- Fyodor Dostoevski

Doo Zee Fool!


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