Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trialogue Exercise.

The trialogue exercise involved taking on the physical and vocal characteristics of a natural animal; then another animal that was dissimilar to the first; followed by a fantastical creature.

We were then instructed to write a one page script where the three characters come into some sort of conflict.

The script is then performed by other members of the class.

This was my script.


Dragon: (Low growl) Bird!

Penguin: Ah! What’s there!?

Dragon: Why are you in my cave, bird?

Penguin: Your cave? Well, then! My apologies. I was just taking my egg here on an adventure. I wanted to see the world a bit before I settled down with the missus and got responsible; figured I’d bring the lad along.

Dragon: This is my cave, bird! No one is welcome here!

Penguin: What about him?

Spider: Ummm, yeah. Hi! Don’t mind me. Just spider-ing around. Figuring you didn’t mind so much. I’m… just going to go find another corner to make my web in. No need for dragon-fire or anything like that. By the way, I catch flies! Don’t know if you noticed a recent decline in airborne pests. That’d be me. Flies are delicious, unlike spiders… we taste horrible. I’m gonna… I’m gonna go now.

Dragon: My cave is full of pests!!!

Penguin: I don’t know about pests. Seems like you have it pretty good. Very good room-mate you have there. Takes care of you and you hardly ever notice he’s around. That’s a good partnership.

Dragon: I don’t need partners! And I don’t need nosey birds. I don’t need anyone around trying to get what’s most important to me.

Penguin: What’s most important to you?

Dragon: My treasure.

Penguin: Well we all have something we treasure. Look here, I’ve got my egg!

Dragon: I can see it, bird.

Penguin: Well, that’s the point! I’m proud of egg. Plus I can see him; always keep an eye on him.

Dragon: My treasure is not for display to the likes of you.

Penguin: Well it must not be that special, then.

Dragon: It is the most special thing…

Penguin: If you say so.

Dragon: It is!

Penguin: Show it to me.

Dragon: No!

Spider: (Whispers) Let’s not make him flamey, ok? Um… sorry, me again. I’m almost done with the new web. It’d really be a shame. Kinda proud of this one. Quite intricate.

Penguin: I’m not going anywhere.

Dragon: I could eat you.

Penguin: Or you could show me your treasure…

Dragon: I’m going to eat you!

Penguin: I really don’t think you are. I think if you were going to eat me, you would have… Spider too. Show it to me.

Spider: There’s really no reason to drag me into this.

Dragon: This is my treasure.

Spider: It’s a rock!!!

Dragon: It once was an egg, but now it’s not. Something that was, but is no longer.

Penguin: That’s a great treasure.


Dragon-hunting...  Pew!  Pew!


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