I think the last time I posted I mention Intensives. Andrei puts them on once a year, and we get the chance to work (intensively) on a few scenes from his class which we either thought were great, or needed work. We then do a sort of presentation for an audience, which for us is a bit of a rare opportunity.
It's also a great chance to work a bit closer with the Class of 2013, we have an opportunity to sit pin on their sessions and glean what we can from watching other people work on different materials. It's really cool.
Andrei also gathers everyone together for readings. Both classes sit and listen for about an hour and a half to selected texts about the craft that Andrei hopes will inspire. There were two that really got me that week. One was about the identity of the artist as a person and the other was about drive.
I found myself in a bit of a slump towards the middle of November. I was informed by some of the writers in the writing program that my work here was not really appreciated. In fact it was reviled, I believe, and I was truly disheartened because one of the things that had kept me focused was... well, not great. I had injured my foot which was causing me to lght-step through some of the more physical classes; scene work wasn't going well; I was feeling bit lost; and the semester had become a bit of a mess.
So i decided to work.
But I think I'll take the next few days to catch everyone up on what's been happening. Also, I did get ONE interview. I just need to edit and post it. I might get one more before the end of the year. I'll have to try to lure Josué in front of the camera some how. Let me know if anyone has a spare jar of peanut butter or a bottle of sriracha sauce.
I have some pretty amazing friends. Old ones. New ones. All of them amazing; supportive.
My class mates are amazing and truly inspiring. Something happened at the end of the year. I think it might have been the Intensives Week, but there was a sudden and dramatic shift. Everything started really clicking. Maybe that old prophecy in
Winter is Coming finally came true...
I got a chance to see for an extended period two of my absolute favorite people from Los Angeles: Selin Mehrabian (who has one of the largest pieces of my heart) and Brian Turley (A better friend you could not ask for) who came to stay with his girlfriend Rebecca Guzzi. Selin has been here for about a month now; Brian and Rebeccca for the last week. All three left NYC today. All three will be sorely missed. i also had this wonderful chance encounter with Carly Menkin on the train last night on the way home from midtown. I felt a hand sliding towards my wallet. I thought my pocket was being picked and wheeled about to deck the little heavy-handed thief to find that it was just Carly getting a squeeze in. We chatted and ended up going to grab a beer.
Good friends. No, great friends! All. I'm pretty blessed in that.
And one in particular for whom this is somewhat title, for getting me focused on writing things down
So tomorrow, I'll start back in in earnest. Talk church. I can't promise much over the break, but we'll see what we can do!
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."
- Clive Staples Lewis
Thank you, Brittni.